He has been active in prison ministry his entire ministry. His love for the people in the city inspired him to work with the city of Camden in a variety of capacities which included mentoring youth in public schools, peace initiatives with the police department, voter registration drives, and participation in civic activities that sought the betterment of the community.
Dr. Matlock is devoted to leadership. He served on the executive committee of the Allegheny East Conference for eight years. He had the privilege of serving as the Bay Area Leader for eight years where he helped coordinate evangelism, community service, and pastoral support for Delaware, South Jersey, and Maryland Eastern Shore Churches.
Dr. Matlock and his wife Erica have been married since 1998. They are blessed to have two young adult sons Colby, a student at Oakwood University and Judah, a four-year graduating senior at Pine Forge Academy Class of 2021. He loves to work out, study, and travel.