Our online sabbath school classes
Children's Sabbath School
Our children meet to learn about God every sabbath morning at 9:45AM. Tune in. It’s easy to be on time!
Elder Rodwell Catoe's Class
For those that want to call in, the phone number for Elder Catoe’s class is (301) 715-8592, meeting ID is (99260510541) and the access code is (101844#). Others may click the button below to join class.
Elder Settles' Adult Sabbath School Class
This class meets Sabbath morning at 9:45AM and they do an afternoon class at 3PM. The afternoon Sabbath School Deep Dive will occur every Sabbath as a teleconference. Start time is 3pm until 4pm.
Dial In Number: 425 436-6304
Access Code: 446922
Elder John Littles' Class
The phone number for Elder John Littles Sabbath School Class is (425-436-6358) and access code (1703930#).